Is Full-Spectrum Or Broad-Spectrum CBD Better For You?

CBD oil has been used as an alternative medicine and natural remedy to treat many conditions, including sleep disorders, digestive issues, chronic pain, anxiety, and seizures. Of the two main types of CBD oils – full-spectrum CBD oil and broad-spectrum CBD oil – it’s important to understand the difference between them so you can choose the best one for your needs. Let’s take a look at both types below.

What are full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD products?

Full-spectrum CBD products contain hundreds of phytocannabinoids, including all those present in hemp plants. Broad-spectrum CBD products, on the other hand, contain only a handful of components. However, both are widely available and much easier to find than pure phytocannabinoid extracts. The full spectrum versus broad spectrum debate isn’t so black and white because both types have their own benefits and drawbacks. It is true that broad-spectrum products are whole plant extracts containing many compounds whereas full spectrum products may contain only one compound from one specific area of a hemp plant but will also include compounds from other areas as well as possibly even non-hemp plants like olive oil or another herb entirely. But what about taste?

What is full spectrum CBD oil

Full spectrum simply means that all compounds found in hemp plants are represented in a single bottle. This includes THC and CBN (non-psychoactive) as well as CBD. But there’s more to it than that. The entourage effect describes how, when you combine different parts of cannabis together, they become more effective. That is: When two cannabinoids work together they can have a greater effect than if they were used alone. They create what is called a synergy, which means you get additional benefits out of each one, individually; plus their combined effects are greater than the sum of their parts—which, frankly, is awesome! It’s like 2 + 2 = 10!

What is broad spectrum CBD oil

It refers to CBD that is extracted from hemp and contains small amounts of THC. The THC is typically removed through a solvent extraction process, often using butane, hexane, pentane, propane or other solvents. If a high concentration of THC (typically over 10 percent) remains in an oil, it is generally considered broad spectrum because low levels of THC will produce a full spectrum effect on a user. Most oils derived from industrial hemp are broad spectrum; they do not contain enough THC to be considered medical grade but they do contain enough to likely elicit several therapeutic benefits.

Cannabinoids help with body aches

The human body produces natural cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids. These compounds play a role in pain control and immunity. When something goes wrong with their production (for example, when an injury occurs), they help us manage pain and protect us from illness—without producing any psychoactive effects that THC causes. Cannabinoids can have different effects on different people, so it’s important to pay attention to how your body reacts when trying them out. If you start feeling sedated or notice memory problems, that’s a sign that they might not be right for you. Different strains produce different results; check out Leafly’s strain finder to learn more about them all.

Cannabinoids help with stress

While there are many types of cannabinoids, research shows that cannabidiol (CBD) has unique properties that other cannabinoids don’t. For one, it’s non-intoxicating. Even though it is a cannabinoid (which means it's produced in cannabis plants), it doesn't cause a high. And unlike some other popular cannabinoids—like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—it won't produce any psychoactive effects like feeling high or stoned. Instead, most evidence suggests that CBD enhances neurophysiological function and has anti-inflammatory benefits.

How to purchase high quality full spectrum/broad spectrum oils

There are plenty of companies in California, Colorado, Washington and Oregon that sell high quality full spectrum/broad spectrum oils at a reasonable price. If you can’t find these locally, you can order online with many shipping options available. It is best to purchase from an extractor (rather than an oil producer) if possible. The main reason for buying from an extractor is that they use a fraction of their yield (in excess of 80%) in their products, making each batch more consistent and less likely to have contaminants present which can ruin your final product.


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